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Ingrown Toenails Specialist

Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists

Podiatrists located in Plainfield, Scotch Plains, Edison, Woodbridge, Springfield & Linden, NJ

Ingrown toenails are no fun. If you’re experiencing pain and redness at the corner of a toenail, it’s probably a good idea to seek the professional opinion of a podiatrist. Consider the team at Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists, with locations in Plainfield, Scotch Plains, Springfield, and Linden, New Jersey. The skilled podiatrists use minimally invasive, hassle-free techniques to treat ingrown toenails quickly. Call the office nearest you or book online anytime.

Ingrown Toenails Q & A

What is an ingrown toenail? 

An ingrown toenail forms when the nail itself grows into the neighboring skin. It’s just as uncomfortable as it sounds. It can make toe movement and walking extremely painful. 

There is typically a combination of associated symptoms, including: 

  • Pain and tenderness in the surrounding skin
  • Swelling 
  • Soreness
  • Redness
  • An infection at the base of your toe

If there are signs of infection, such as severe redness or the formation of pus, you should contact the team at Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists right away.

What causes an ingrown toenail?

Here are some of the most common causes of an ingrown toenail: 

  • Shoes that are too tight
  • Not wearing socks 
  • Cutting your toenails too short
  • Injuries to your toenail
  • Very curved toenails
  • Letting toenails grow too long

Diabetes is a common risk factor that can lead to an ingrown toenail since it’s a condition that causes poor blood flow. 

Are ingrown toenails preventable? 

The simple answer is yes; there are easy ways to prevent or at least reduce your risk of developing an ingrown toenail. 

It’s important to always wear shoes that fit you properly and don’t crowd your toenails. If possible, try to limit how often you wear high heels. Wearing custom orthotics or foot inserts is another highly effective preventive measure. When it comes to trimming your toenails, make sure not to cut them too short and always cut them straight across to avoid curves. 

If you have diabetes, make sure you’re incorporating the necessary lifestyle choices that manage your condition into your daily routine and check your feet daily for signs of an ingrown toenail. 

How do you treat ingrown toenails? 

The team at Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists typically recommends treating your ingrown toenail with home remedies and conservative measures. You can treat your ingrown toenail at home by soaking your feet in warm water, applying an over-the-counter antibiotic cream, and wearing properly fitting shoes. 

However, if your ingrown toenail doesn’t resolve itself, your doctor can perform a minimally invasive procedure to partially remove the nail or fully remove the nail and underlying tissue. 

If you have ingrown toenails, call the office nearest you or book a visit at Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists online today.