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Ankle Arthroscopy Specialists

Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists

Podiatrists located in Plainfield, Scotch Plains, Edison, Woodbridge, Springfield & Linden, NJ

Hearing that you need surgery on your ankle can be tough to reconcile with, but ankle arthroscopy offers a minimally invasive solution to restore function to your ankle. At Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists in Plainfield, Scotch Plains, Springfield, Linden, Edison, and Woodbridge, New Jersey, the team of board-certified podiatrists uses ankle arthroscopy to repair damage in the joint without making any large incisions. To find out if ankle arthroscopy is right for you, call the nearest office or schedule an appointment online today.

Ankle Arthroscopy Q & A

What is ankle arthroscopy?

Ankle arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that relies on a very small fiber-optic camera (arthroscope) to perform the surgery without major incisions. 

The arthroscope sends magnified images of the inside of your ankle to a video screen so your podiatrist doesn’t have to fully open up your ankle.

What are the benefits of ankle arthroscopy?

Compared to traditional open ankle surgery, ankle arthroscopy results in:

  • Reduced pain
  • Shorter recovery time
  • Less bleeding
  • Smaller incisions
  • Fewer complications
  • Minimal scarring

Overall, patients who choose ankle arthroscopy over more invasive methods heal and recover faster.

Do I need ankle arthroscopy?

Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists recommends ankle arthroscopy to treat several conditions and injuries, including:

Ankle instability

Chronically unstable ankles occur when the ligaments become too stretched to recover on their own. It typically happens when you sprain your ankle repeatedly.

Ankle arthritis

Arthritis is a painful degenerative condition that causes chronic inflammation of the affected joint. If you have ankle arthritis, your ankle joint may feel stiff, tender, swollen, and painful.

Ankle fracture

An ankle fracture, or broken ankle, can cause long-term damage to the joint and surrounding cartilage. If your fracture isn’t healing properly on its own, ankle arthroscopy can help repair the damage.

What can I expect from ankle arthroscopy?

After administering anesthesia, the team at Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists makes about two 0.5 mm incisions in the front and back of your ankle. They then allow fluid through the openings to widen the joint. The team passes the arthroscope and small surgical instruments through the incisions to perform the surgery.

Once the team finishes the procedure, they use small sutures to close the incisions in your ankle. They may wrap your ankle or fit you for a boot before moving you to the recovery room. When you’re ready to leave, you’ll need a trusted friend or relative to take you home.

Over the next couple of months, the team instructs you on how to best care for your recovering ankle. You’ll likely need crutches and, depending on your progress, you may be able to bear weight on your ankle in as little as one to two months.

Ankle arthroscopy is a safe, effective method to repair damage in your ankle. To learn more, call Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists or schedule an appointment online today.